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Practice Resources

Roadblocks often stand in the way of effective addiction treatment, particularly agonist therapy for Opioid Use Disorder. Stigma & implicit bias can often present as a refusal to cover or dispense appropriate medications. These sample letters can provide a framework for clinicians to advocate within their clinical judgment for the standard of care.*

Opioids for Severe Acute Pain During Buprenorphine Treatment
Restricted Buprenorphine Dose is Substandard Care
Buprenorphine & Benzodiazepine Cotreatment

*Disclaimer: Nothing in these documents constitutes an indirect or direct endorsement by the Illinois Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) or the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) of any products, services, treatment modalities, or policies and any reference to products, services, treatment modalities or policies should not be construed as such. No official support of or endorsement by ISAM or ASAM for the opinions, resources, and medications described is intended to be or should be inferred. The information presented in these documents should not be considered medical advice and are not a substitute for individualized patient or client care and treatment decisions.

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